Statement of Faith

There are specific fundamental points of doctrine, which we believe there must be agreement about. This page outlines our position on said points of doctrine, or what we classify as  “essential beliefs”. On other points of doctrine or “non-essential beliefs”, there should be freedom for people to hold different perspectives. We, therefore, make our essential beliefs known, while presenting them with grace toward those who may have a different position.Therefore, we assert the following:
  • In essential beliefs, we have unity (Ephesians 4:4-6)
  • In nonessential beliefs, we have liberty (Romans 14:1,4,12,22)
  • In all our beliefs, we exhibit love (I Corinthians 13:2; Ephesians 4:15)
We are committed to truth and accuracy in doctrine, but also understand that one can hold right doctrines and still do damage to the body of Christ by causing divisions over the non-essentials. We are therefore equally committed to Christian character, believing that the “goal of our instruction is love, from a pure heart and a sincere faith” (1Tim 1:5).

God (The Father)

We believe God is the Eternal King. God’s Kingdom is everlasting. From His throne,  through His Son, His eternal Word, God created, upholds and governs all that exists:  the heavenly places, the angelic hosts, the universe, the earth, every living thing and humankind. God created all things very good.

Jesus Christ (The Son)

We believe Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of  God, became man, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin  Mary, to reveal God and redeem sinful man.  Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through His death on the cross as our substitutionary sacrifice, and our justification is made certain by His physical resurrection from the dead. Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and is now seated at the right hand of God, where he fulfils the ministry of representative, intercessor, and advocate. We believe in the imminent and personal return of Jesus Christ to gather his people to himself, as he promised, to judge the living and the dead.

Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is the Divine person who convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and judgment. The Holy Spirit is responsible for the new birth and regeneration of the believer into the Body of Christ, indwelling and sealing them unto the day of redemption. We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers believers to have a fruitful witness of the Gospel. The Spirit of God was sent to guide, teach, and live in the hearts of all people who accept and establish an ongoing relationship with Christ.

The Holy Trinity

We believe God is infinite, unchangeable  Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom,  goodness, justice, power and love. From all eternity He exists as the One Living and  True God in three persons of one substance, the Father, the Son, and the  Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory.

Sufficiency of Scripture

We believe in the verbal and plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures of the  Old and New Testaments in their original writings. The Scriptures are the word of  God inspired by the Holy Spirit. We receive the sixty-six books of the Old and New  Testaments as our final, absolute authority, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

Creation and Fall of Man

We believe in the beginning that mankind was created in the image and likeness of  God. Still, because of Adam’s sin, all humanity fell, inherited a sinful nature,  and became alienated from God; thus,  humanity is utterly depraved and unable to remedy the sinful condition of his own volition. Because of the nature of sin,  humanity possesses no divine life and is essentially and unchangeably depraved apart from divine grace. Because of this,  we understand why the human condition and the world we live in is in utter turmoil apart from God.


We believe salvation is the gift of God brought to humanity by grace and received by repentance of sins and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. This experience is also known as the new birth. It is an instantaneous operation of the Holy Spirit whereby the believing sinner is regenerated, justified and adopted into the family of God,  becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus,  heir of eternal life and continuing in salvation by faith.

The Church

We believe that there is one, true,  universal Church under Christ’s headship made up of all born again believers in the body and bride of Christ, composed of local churches exercising autonomous authority in various localities free of any external control. Each believer born of the  Spirit is an integral part of the Church of the firstborn whose names are written in heaven.


We believe in the importance of believers being baptized in water by full immersion in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in obedience to Scripture and symbolic of our identification with Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. We believe that the Lord’s Table (communion) is a  symbol expressing our sharing in the divine nature of our Lord Jesus Christ and was intended for all believers to be participated in regularly as a Scriptural means of testimony for the Church.


We believe that Christ intends his Church to manifest the gifts of the Spirit according to the grace God has given to each member of the body and to operate the gifts of the Spirit in the present day. The  Spirit gives each person gifts for them to use to benefit the lives of others. Each gift is to be used humbly and in agreement with Biblical guidelines. We believe in the operation of the five-fold ministry gifts of  Christ. We believe that God hears and answers the prayer of faith, in accordance with his will, for the sick, emotionally wounded, and demonized.

The Power of the Gospel over the Kingdom of Darkness

People are sinners by nature and choice.  All people, therefore, are under God’s just judgement. However, through the preaching of the Good News of Jesus and the Kingdom of God and the work of the  Holy Spirit, God regenerates, justifies,  adopts and sanctifies through Jesus by the  Spirit all who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. By this, they are released from Satan’s domain and enter God’s Kingdom reign.