“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:17
Just as Jesus himself saw the importance of spending time with His Father in prayer, we as followers of Jesus at Hope Revolution, want to make prayer a priority in our lives individually and as a church.
If you’d like to commit to standing with a Hope Revolution ministry through prayer, we’d love to have you join us. There are a number of opportunities to be involved in prayer and to be supported through prayer at Hope Revolution:
Pre-service Prayer
Sundays, 9:45 am – 10 am
We invite anyone attending to gather before the worship service to pray for the service, including those attending and those leading.
Families Prayer
Mondays fortnightly, 10 am (Zoom)
We pray for the families of the church, in particular seeking the Holy Spirit for words or bible verses of encouragement for each family prayed for.
Encounter Prayer
Wednesdays fortnightly, 8:30 pm (Zoom)
An open time of prayer seeking the Lord to encounter Him and His presence in our lives.
Contending & Breakthrough
Thursdays fortnightly, 8:30 pm (Zoom)
We contend for those in tough situations, believing God’s power will bring breakthrough.
Cardinia Combined Churches Prayer
Gathering with other local churches to pray for our region and the advancement of God’s Kingdom locally.
Ministry Intercessors
People committed to standing with the various Hope Revolution ministries in prayer; based upon Nehemiah 4:16-17.
Personal Prayer Ministry
By appointment
Praying with individuals/couples for God to speak and move in their personal circumstances.
At all times!
At all times
We encourage the body to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), with thanksgiving, for one another and for others.