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CloseMatt Patterson - May 13, 2018
Tools of the Trade - Introduction

We often understand Spiritual Gifts and Evangelism as two separate topics - that God uses Spiritual Gifts for the building up of the church (1 Cor. 14:12), and we’re instructed to go and make disciples (Matt 28:19). However, when we look at Jesus ministry there is actually an exciting and significant link between the two! Spiritual gifts ARE given to build up the church, but that looks like a church that is growing, expanding and strong because we’re all using the Spiritual Gifts God’s given us to share HIS love, truth, power and hope with the world, drawing more people to Him. Jesus has equipped us with the tools we need, His teaching and example to follow, and an amazing plan to bring God’s Kingdom to earth – our response is to pick up the tools of the trade and live naturally Supernatural lives like Jesus did.
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