Message: “People of Purpose – The Centurion” from Matt Patterson Loading Content...Share a Link to this MessageThe link has been copied to your clipboard; paste it anywhere you would like to share it. Close Tanya Patterson - September 22, 2019People of Purpose - EzraListenMore Messages from Tanya Patterson | Download AudioFrom Series: "People of Purpose"FacebookTweet LinkShare LinkSend EmailMore From "People of Purpose" August 26, 2019People of Purpose - Introduction Nathan DawsonListen September 1, 2019People of Purpose - Ezekiel Matt PattersonListen September 15, 2019People of Purpose - The Centurion Matt PattersonListen September 22, 2019People of Purpose - Ezra Tanya PattersonListen September 29, 2019People of purpose - Jehoshaphat Nathan DawsonListen October 13, 2019People of Purpose - Stephen Matt PattersonListen October 20, 2019People of Purpose - The Prodigal Son Mel StopherListen October 27, 2019people of purpose - ruth Peter HaskardListen November 3, 2019People of purpose - Esther Rachel CrottyListenDisplaying 1-9 of 101 2 More » Powered by Series Engine