Since its inception, Hope Revolution has had a heart to connect, encourage and support a range of ministries in Fiji. Over the years what this has looked like has changed as we are led by the Holy Spirit, but the underlying intention remains the same.
Hope Revolution Fiji
In 2012 we partnered with Elijah & Grace Naidu, a gifted couple living in a poorer area of Suva with a heart to reach their community with the love of Jesus. In addition to providing regular financial support, we continue to pray, encourage and spend time with them when possible.
Mission Exposure Trips
Each year we aim to plan one or two trips to Fiji. These have ranged from men’s trips, family trips, project specific trips and pastoral trips. While each time usually takes on a different focus, they all provide an amazing opportunity to see God move in awesome ways as we step out in faith, are led by the Holy Spirit and are eager to serve and share God’s love.
While most speak English in Fiji, it is very different to Australia and this also provides an opportunity for those going to be exposed to the different culture and challenged by the fantastic people, simple lifestyle and their hunger for the gospel of Jesus.