So, you’re feeling blah?

So, you’re feeling blah?

We have many names for it: “so-so”, “not bad”, meh, whatever, average or blah.  No matter what you call it, this emotion has become commonplace during the various restrictions and lockdowns of recent years. It describes that feeling somewhere...

God is near

Isolation’s been really rough, but it’s also provided space which doesn’t normally exist in the hecticness of our everyday lives. Since the start of Stage 3 I’ve started to attempt to see this added time as a gift to be used well. I can choose to mourn that which...

When the story doesn’t make sense

Often we like to talk about good things, the wins and successes.  We wait until the story is finished, with a happy ending before it makes our life showreel (or social media!).  However, that’s not reality for any of us. There are many incomplete stories that still...

Adults as Infants

There are some similarities between infants and adults.  They both have needs and desires, both are constantly learning and both have expectations placed on them by others. Obviously, there are many differences as well! Two characteristics that differentiate adults...